
Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning (CCGL)

Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning works with schools around the world to help young people develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to thrive. Through the website access online CPD developed with DECSY including face to face courses and curriculum materials.
For a taste of how you can be involved at a whole-school level take a look at an interview with Headteacher Alison Hooper who is helping to lead a cluster of 41 schools in Cheshire and Kenya as part of the CCGL programme.

Gender Action (action partner:DECSY)

Gender Action is an award programme which promotes and supports a whole-school approach to challenging stereotypes. Our framework will support teachers and schools to create a level playing field, with individuals working together for lasting cultural change. Demonstrate your commitment to ensuring all young people can reach their full potential. 

Miriam’s Vision: A response to the 2005 London Bombings. Working for Community Cohesion.

This KS3 resource is ready to be incorporated into Curriculum Planning for the Autumn Term from now.
Miriam Hyman was one of the 52 people killed in the 7/7 London bombings on the 7th July 2005. As a child she had eyesight problems and The Miriam Hyman Children’s Eye Care Centre located within the LV Prasad Eye Institute in Odisha, India is her living memorial. Her legacy is an education resource for KS3: Miriam’s Vision. This short video will tell you more about her life, her legacy and the resource itself.
Miriam’s Vision provides downloadable fully resourced units of work for art, citizenship, dance, geography, history and PSHE as well as offering additional materials or ‘add-ons which can be used to supplement and deepen learning. Each unit supports students to develop important skill for life including:
  • Dealing with adversity responsibly and rationally
  • Embracing and contextualising diversity
  • Resolving conflict peacefully through democratic processes
  • Encouraging empathy

Gender Respect

This WordPress site details DECSY’s Gender Respect Project which ran from 2013 – 2016. Here you can find details of specific lesson plans and resources created and trialled in eight project schools. Also available is a list of tried and tested P4C stimuli and links with other relevant websites.


SAPERE is the Society for Advancing Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education.
Founded in 1992, SAPERE is the internationally recognised educational charity that brings together a network of people throughout the UK practising and promoting philosophical enquiry for children and communities, often referred to as P4C.

Oxfam – Teaching Controversial Issues

This revised and updated version of Oxfam’s popular guide recognises the seismic shifts in social and political contexts in recent years. It seeks to support educators in developing essential skills that allow learners to constructively discuss their own values and ideas, and develop as active global citizens.

SEAL and the Global Dimension

The key objective of this project is to provide clear pathways and appropriate resources for embedding the Global Dimension within the SEAL programme, engaging school pupils in global and development issues.

Carbon Partners

Carbon Partners will develop your school partnership by using carbon foot-printing as a real and tangible example of global injustice and empowering students to make a difference.

Our current funders are: