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Gender Action – Sheffield networking event with guest speakers and free lunch
Join us at our networking event and commit to taking a whole school approach to gender inequity. Professor Gina Rippon and Mick Waters will give keynote inputs, with Sue Finnigan and Thom Winterbotham from Learn Sheffield providing a more local perspective.
Decolonising our schools and museums – Sheffield Anti-Racist Education (SHARE) workshop
SHARE (Sheffield Anti-Racist Education) is pleased to invite you to this decolonising schools and museums event at Weston Park Museum on Saturday 6 July. Everyone welcome!
DECSY AGM, Wednesday 24th April, 5.30pm – 8pm – Celebrating 40 Years
You are invited to join us for our AGM on Wednesday 24th April. It will be an opportunity to celebrate DECSY’s 40 years’ anniversary. Come along to hear about our last year and join us in a spot of reminiscing over 40 years of supporting global learning – education for a just and sustainable world.
Sheffield and Anti-Apartheid in South Africa – new lesson plan
DECSY Global Education Adviser, Helen Griffin, highlights the latest lesson plan from our ‘Non-violent action: a force for change’ materials developed and used by the late Mark Hutchinson (1960-2023) who worked closely with DECSY over many years.
Observations on the 28th UN Climate Change Conference – COP28, Dubai
DECSY Global Education Adviser, Rob Unwin, attended COP 28 as an online observer. Here he gives a summary of his observations on the conference, some of the agreements made, and how this ‘Only game in town’ for addressing climate change internationally can work for real change.
Global Learning Fortnight, 27th Nov – 10th Dec
The Global Learning Network is a group representing global learning and development education centres across England. DECSY is a part of this network, that has recently changed it’s name from CoDEC. This fortnight is a chance to celebrate Global Learning and the TGLN network. Not sure what or how to define Global Learning. Read on as Clive Belgeonne, one of our Global Learning Advisers, explains more…
Global Education Week – Peace for the planet, a planet of peace
Global Education Week highlights the importance of Global Learning and Citizenship Education and the huge benefits of intergrating global learning into the curriculum.
Representation in science: We need a new story
Read about how an amazing science teacher went about developing resources for her school to inspire all students to develop a love of STEM.
Processing the Violence in Israel and Gaza – lesson plans and teaching resources
This is a list of lesson plans and teaching resources to help schools respond to grappling with what/how to talk to pupils about the escalating violence unfolding in Israel and Palestine. Resources are from Facing History and Ourselves and Quakers in Britain.
Why gender stereotypes harm everyone on their lifelong learning journeys
Angharad Morgan, Gender Action Programme Co-ordinator has written a blog post for NCFE.
Read the full article here: