Philosophy for Children in Early Years Foundation Stage

A face to face course that runs over three afternoons.
Aims of the course:
To understand the value and benefits of P4C for young children (including links to EYFS curriculum requirements)
To explore the building blocks of philosophical enquiry
To recognise the opportunity within daily current practice for developing skills and dispositions for P4C
To discuss what the P4C steps look like in F1 and F2
The course trainers are Helen Griffin, who has over 20 years’ experience of delivering P4C training and Ann Dawson, Early Years consultant and trainer. Ann has taught in Early Years in EAL schools for over 20 years, leading Foundation Stage as part of the SLT. Ann is the creator of Rainbow Talk and is passionate about enabling children to be confident and articulate communicators through Rainbow Talk and Early Years P4C.
‘This has been the most practical training course I’ve been and I went straight back to school with great resources.’
‘Lovely, supportive and thought-provoking atmosphere created by the skilled course leaders.’ (Course participant, 2019)
This course is also available for whole-school inset or twilight training – please contact DECSY for more information.