Sustainability and Climate Change – developing a whole school approach

Sustainability and Climate Change course banner

How is your school responding to the climate and nature emergencies?

The School Strikes for Climate and numerous surveys show that large numbers of young people globally do not believe their education is preparing them for a changing and uncertain future. The Department for Education’s ‘Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy’ wants all schools to appoint a Sustainability and Climate Change Coordinator and to put in place a Climate Action Plan by 2025.

This one day (6 hour) training session will help school coordinators to develop a whole-school approach to sustainability and climate change.
In the context of sustainable development, wellbeing and the climate and nature emergencies It looks at linking:

  • Culture
  • Curriculum
  • Campus
  • Community (along with Futures – careers)

This climate education session will include:
– input from Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust on how to make your school nature friendly.
– how a school can join the Climate Friendly Schools initiative to access a range of resources and support to continue thee journey to put effective Climate Action Plans into place.

‘Really interesting and practical. It helps you to get engaged with what you are already passionate about.’  (course participant feedback)

‘Very doable ideas wherever a school is in this journey.’    (course participant feedback)

This course is also available for inset and twilight sessions – contact DECSY for details about next course dates.

Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust logo Climate Friendly Schools logo

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